cheezy art

I am Alan Cheezy. In between making cheezy jokes, I make cheezy art. FART.

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Hrrrr

Pretty happy with how this turned out. But there is ALWAYS room for improvement. Another thing I struggle with is mouth shapes. I feel like I cheated just a little by adding the little puffs of wind to emphasize him blowing air out of his mouth. But this was a fun one to work on. Definitely felt like I could use much more creative freedom and not be restricted to how he looks in person. Some people just allow for that.

Above Final

Above rough, about 1-inch by 1-inch. LOL!


  • At 12:38 PM, Blogger Alex Deligiannis said…

    I'm digging these, man! On this one, I have to say I like the rough better (but that's the case most of the time, isn't it?). Keep it coming, bro!

  • At 2:24 PM, Blogger Alan Cheezy said…

    Haha, thanks Alex! I like the rough and it doesn't even feel like I went off of it on the final piece. I'm trying to simplify more, but it never works out.


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